My UPS man isn't my friend
Maybe, just maybe, the new catty's will be here tomorrow afternoon. In time for me to flip thru it during a crop!!
Also, don't forget to sign up for the blog candy! Drawing will be done in a couple of hours!
Happy Birthday
Stampin' Up! Convention 2008!
10,000 Visitor Blog Candy
The drawing will take place on Thursday evening!! Results posted on Friday morning. Remember to check back on contact me if you are the winner!
Well, my counter is about to reach 10,000 visitors (update: I'm well over it now- gliddy with glee). Which is very exciting since I've not had a counter the entire time I've had this blog. While I know people must like coming, and my stats say so many come via tutorials and such, no one says anything! So I get blog candy too-- I learn who visits me!! To those who do leave comments- thank you so much! It means ooodles of happiness!
So, from today till the last day of July I will be hosting a blog candy give-away. I will ship it anywhere... well, excluding Mars because, well, postage on that would be a bit spendy. But Australia, Japan, Brazil... it's all good!

All you need to do is leave a comment, only one per person please. You must have a blog in order to enter. If your blog is not linked to your account, please leave the address in the comment box. I love looking at new (and old) bloggers!
Drawing will be done with random on August 1st. I will post the winner, and you will have 1 week to contact me to nab your prize. If not completed on Day #8 I will select a new winner.
Thanks for visiting!!!
To see new projects, please go below- this will remain at the top till the end of the month.
Tutorial: Explosion Album
* Trimmer/Scissors
*Scorer/Bone Folder
* Tacky glue & scrap adhesive
* 2 pieces of chipboard (for this one, size is 6.6" squared)
* 1 yd ribbon
* 3 doubled sided pattern paper/cardstock (12x12; aka PP/CS)
* 3 pattern papers
* 1 card stock
* Embellishments
1. Check to make sure PP/CS are 12x12 squared. Just because they are sold that way, doesn't mean they are! If they are just smaller, make your sheets into perfect squares. For this demo I used 12x12, but any size square will work. I wouldn't go smaller than 6x6, as it's very small- but perfect for a mini brag book to carry in a purse.
2. Score your paper in half twice, making a "window frame." Once that is done score it diagonally, one way only. So it will have two square, opposite, that aren't scored down the center (see above photo.)
3. Next you are going to fold your diagonal corners inward. Think of it as they want to meet and be friends. (That is what I told the kids, and it cracked them up during the class!)
4. Once you do that, it will all fold down neatly into a square (see above photo, and imagine it all the way down.)
5. Repeat steps 1-4 with the other two sheets of double sided PP/CS. Use bone folder (or back of scissors) to make creases very apparent.
6. Open up your sheets of paper, and lay them out in the following order: mountain, valley, mountain OR valley, mountain, valley. Mountains mean the folds are up with the edges of the paper down, opposite for valley.
7. You will adhere the corners of the paper to each other. Start at the bottom, put adhesive on the complete square (the one with no diagonal in it) and place the next sheet of paper (the complete square) on top and stick down. Do the same for the 3rd sheet.
8. You will then work the folds for all three paper back into each other- just like the 2nd photo here. The only difference is that you now have a longer sheet of paper. The photo above shows what it looks like completely open. The photo below also helps to show.
9. Grab your 2 pieces of chip board. They are a bit larger than your folded papers. The reason being is to offer added protection and to hid any folding flaws that might have occurred! Cut 2 pieces out of your PP for the top & bottom. I make mine an inch bigger, and cover one side of each board. Cut diagonally at edges, and fold paper over (like wrapping a present) and adhere down.
10. Take your yard of ribbon and the back chipboard piece. On the uncovered side squirt a line of adhesive down the center, center the ribbon, and hold for a minute. This becomes how you hold your album together.
11. Grab your stack of paper, and put glue on the top square (picture your paper piece as a book already) and adhere it to the uncovered side of chipboard piece, be sure to center. Do the same thing with the back piece (glue will go on the same side as the ribbon) making sure the bottom & top chipboard piece match up.

Sneak Peak! Feelin' Trendy!!

It almost, ALMOST, makes it better that while I was painting the room I was web-camming it for my mom to see. Her reaction? "It looks like a tangerine threw up in there."
Well momma, look who won THAT argument. It might have taken 7 months to do it, but I think this proves I won!
Who cares that no one loves my room but me, or that my husband always things aliens are in here (the room glows from under the door) or my son thinks of Home Depot Homer when we work together in here.
So-- what do you guys think? Love it, hate it?
(I so gotta get to bed, we have a long, long drive down SLC!)
For You, Just Because

I finally deco'd the front of this card. Simple & sweet because time is fast running out.
Paper: SU New DSP (sneak preview), Pirouette Pink, Riding Hood Red
Ink: Color Box Dark Brown
Other: SU Scallop Circle Punch, SU 1 3/8" Punch, SU Chocolate Chip Pen, colored pencils, Rub-ons
How to Ink Your Edges

My favorite ink pads for inking edges are Color Box's cat eyes. Cheap (between 99c & $1.99) and squishy. I do sometimes ink with my SU pads, however, not a lot- only when I am doing specific SU projects. I don't want to tear them up!!
Good Things

Making Custom Ribbon Colors

Stevi's Creamery Picnic Classes
Friday, August 1: It's Stevi's First Friday! Bring all your scrapping goodies for the crop, 6pm-11pm. Cropping is always free on FF.
Saturday, August 2: **Happy Monogram, 10am-11am, $8 +supplies. Supply list furnished upon payment (non-refundable.) **Cards Galore! Noon-2pm, $12 (bring a friend for $6 more!) Kits provided.) **Surprise Bag Album, 3pm-5pm, $5 +supplies. Supply list furnished upon payment (non-refundable.)
Tuesday, August 5: **Surprise Bag Album, 10:30am-12:30pm, $5 +supplies. Supply list furnished upon payment (non-refundable.) **2Way Mini, 1:30pm-3:30pm, $5 +supplies. Supply list furnished upon payment (non-refundable.)
August 11-15: 10:30-11:30 Kid's Kamp! Contact Donna for more details. There are price changes for signing up for all 5 days, as well as having more than one child attend.
Tutorial: Criss Cross Card

*1 piece, double sided pattern paper, 12"X4"
*Bone Folder
1. Mark/Score paper at 4" and 8"

H = happy
I {heart} my UPS man.

25% off SU Goodies!
Item # Pg. # Description Regular Price 25% Off Price
109117 167 Pocket Notes assortment $9.95 $7.46
110479 168 Jersey Shore Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
110699 168 East Coast Prep Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
109159 169 Flowers For You Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
110273 169 Spring Fling Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
110748 170 Notebook Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
109153 170 Porcelain Prints Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
110751 171 Azure Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
109164 171 River Rock Prints Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
109175 171 Almost Amethyst Prints Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
109168 171 Groovy Guava Prints Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
109169 171 Close to Cocoa Prints Designer Series paper $9.95 $7.46
110284 182 Eastern Elegance Rub-Ons $10.95 $8.21
110285 182 Urban West Rub-Ons $10.95 $8.21
110281 182 Cherished Memories Rub-Ons $10.95 $8.21
109185 190 Jersey Ribbon Originals $12.95 $9.71
109187 190 District Ribbon Originals $12.95 $9.71
109189 190 Beachfront Ribbon Originals $12.95 $9.71
110716 191 Wild Wasabi striped grosgrain ribbon $7.95 $5.96
109062 191 River Rock double-stitched grosgrain ribbon $8.95 $6.71
Discontinued Stampin' Up! Accessories (kept updated)
109200 177 Accents & Elements Build A Flower
110718 177 Accents & Elements Lucky Star
110719 177 Accents & Elements Messenger
103158 184 Acrylic Graph & Grid
108638 163 Card Stock 12 X 12 In Color
108642 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 Blue Bayou
108643 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 Groovy Guava
108637 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 In Color
108640 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 River Rock
108639 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 Soft Sky
108641 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 Wild Wasabi
108644 163 Card Stock 8-1/2 X 11 Purely Pomegranate
103975 166 Card Stock Brushed Copper Not Available
108694 163 Card Stock Textured 12 X 12 In Color
107312 167 Cards & Envelopes Gift Whisper White
107292 167 Cards & Envelopes Greeting Whisper White
109116 167 Notes & Envelopes Long Notes
109118 167 Notes & Envelopes Love Notes
109117 167 Notes & Envelopes Pocket Notes*
110729 167 Notes & Envelopes Scallop Notes
109119 167 Notes & Envelopes Gift Notes
109018 163 Classic Stampin' Ink Blue Bayou Not Available
109019 163 Classic Stampin' Ink Groovy Guava
109017 163 Classic Stampin' Ink Purely Pomegranate Not Available
109016 163 Classic Stampin' Ink River Rock Not Available
109015 163 Classic Stampin' Ink Soft Sky
109020 163 Classic Stampin' Ink Wild Wasabi Not Available
109013 163 Classic Stampin' Pad Blue Bayou
109012 163 Classic Stampin' Pad Groovy Guava
109011 163 Classic Stampin' Pad Purely Pomegranate
109010 163 Classic Stampin' Pad River Rock
109009 163 Classic Stampin' Pad Soft Sky
109014 163 Classic Stampin' Pad Wild Wasabi
110751 171 Designer Series Paper Azure*
110696 169 Designer Series Paper Bali Breeze
110749 169 Designer Series Paper Berry Bliss
109154 169 Designer Series Paper Cutie Pie
110699 168 Designer Series Paper East Coast Prep*
109160 170 Designer Series Paper Fall Flowers
109159 169 Designer Series Paper Flowers For You*
110697 169 Designer Series Paper Ginger Blossom
110479 168 Designer Series Paper Jersey Shore*
109151 170 Designer Series Paper Le Jardin
110748 170 Designer Series Paper Notebook*
110750 171 Designer Series Paper Olive Press
109153 170 Designer Series Paper Porcelain Prints*
109175 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Almost Amethyst*
109177 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Always Artichoke
109173 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Blue Bayou
109174 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Brilliant Blue
109178 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Certainly Celery
109169 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Close to Cocoa* Not Available
109168 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Groovy Guava*
109171 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Lovely Lilac
109172 171 Designer Series Paper Prints More Mustard
109176 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Old Olive
109170 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Pumpkin Pie
109164 171 Designer Series Paper Prints River Rock*
109167 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Rose Red
109166 171 Designer Series Paper Prints So Saffron
109165 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Soft Sky
109163 171 Designer Series Paper Prints Tempting Turquoise
110698 168 Designer Series Paper Spring Break
110273 169 Designer Series Paper Spring Fling*
110271 170 Designer Series Paper Spring Silhouettes
110272 170 Designer Series Paper Western Sky
107299 167 Envelope Confetti Cream Medium
105320 189 Eyelets Basic
100375 189 Eyelets Bold Brights
100381 189 Eyelets Earth Elements
107233 189 Eyelets Fresh Favorites I
107234 189 Eyelets Fresh Favorites II
105316 189 Eyelets Rich Regals
100378 189 Eyelets Soft Subtles Not Available
105515 188 Hodgepodge Hardware Pewter Not Available
105531 188 Hodgepodge Hardware Antique Brass Not Available
105532 188 Hodgepodge Hardware Aged Copper Not Available
101120 183 Metallic Art Pencils
107307 179 On Board Accents
109181 178 On Board Blossoms & Basic
109179 178 On Board Ginormous Pieces
107306 179 On Board Simon Lower
102678 166 Mulberry Paper White Not Available
109227 181 Punch Box Three For You
102686 180 Punch Handheld Rectangle
100271 183 Pure Color Pencils
109060 191 Ribbon Double-Stitched Blue Bayou Not Available
109063 191 Ribbon Double-Stitched Groovy Guava Not Avaible
109061 191 Ribbon Double-Stitched Purely Pomegranate Not Available
109062 191 Ribbon Double-Stitched River Rock*
109059 191 Ribbon Double-Stitched Soft Sky
109058 191 Ribbon Double-Stitched Wild Wasabi Not Available
109189 190 Ribbon Originals Beachfront*
109187 190 Ribbon Originals District*
109188 190 Ribbon Originals Fairy Tale
109185 190 Ribbon Originals Jersey*
109184 190 Ribbon Originals Sherbert
109186 190 Ribbon Originals Theater
110716 191 Ribbon Striped Grosgrain Wild Wasabi*
110281 182 Rub-Ons Cherished Memories*
110284 182 Rub-Ons Eastern Elegance*
110285 182 Rub-Ons Urban West*
110557 174 Simply Scrappin' Boho Blend
109610 174 Simply Scrappin' Confetti
110572 172 Simply Scrappin' Crew Kids Boy
110567 173 Simply Scrappin' Crew Kids Girl
109597 175 Simply Scrappin' Home Again
110562 174 Simply Scrappin' Rose Cottage
109648 173 Simply Scrappin' Special Delivery Boy
109627 173 Simply Scrappin' Special Delivery Girl Not Available
110587 175 Simply Scrappin' Summer Days
110577 175 Simply Scrappin' Tie The Knot
111184 15 Simply Sent Friendly Notes
109228 16 Simply Sent Simple Delights Not Available
109229 16 Simply Sent Three Thoughts Not Available
106662 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Daisy Field
107561 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Garden Annuals
109681 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Good Dog
109678 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Kisses
107482 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Lily Pad
109680 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Meow
109677 197 Stampin'Around Wheel Mistletoe
106610 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Basics Outline
107467 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Birthday
109571 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Dilly Dally Baby
109570 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Dilly Dally Friends
109569 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Dilly Dally Party
108423 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Leaves A La Carte Not Available
107468 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Nature Hike
108980 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Petals
107464 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Rough Texture
111261 196 Jumbo Stampin' Around Wheel Spunky Spots
109554 193 Stampin' Color Index Labels
106694 194 Stampin' Kids Markers
101399 185 Stipple Brushes Not Available
102673 183 Zig Painty
*I will update this frequently. The "*"denotes Items that are 25% off
Special Delivery: girl

You may think you've seen this before, and you have. I did a tutorial for the card. The envelope is "new" and made up the card with the same colors as before. Inside I inserted a gift card for 2 nights worth of dinners.
Stamps: Alphabet Stew, (other set is packed for a Monday excursion, forget the name of it...)
Ink: Chocolate Chip
Paper: DSP, Bazzil, Basic Grey
Other: rub-ons, staples, ribbon, pop dots, velvet, coluzzle, embossing, brads, flowers
Tutorial: Pocket Card/Bag
*Card Stock
*Bone Folder

2. Take a corner of your paper and meet an opposite corner. Crease well with your bone folder.

5. Don't forget to crease well, this will come in handy at the end.

7. Open up your folds, if desired, to embellish. Once embellished to your liking, fold back up and adhere paper down.
8. Finish embellishing the front as desired, fill, and give to a loved one.
** This is the class demo I had last night. It was a big hit with the ladies.
FS68: Peanutbee

The challenge is HERE!
I case'd this card.
I changed: stamps & colors
Stamps: SU's Itty-bitty Backgrounds & That's Nice
Inks: StazOn Black
Paper: from my scrap bin
Thank you: girl
TTYRSS: Love You So Much

The challenge is here, it is to do a 'tribute to your retiring stamp set.' I must say, this is my favorite stamp set of the ones retiring. I use it VERY often.
INKS: SU Wild Wasabi & Chocolate Chip
OTHER: Paper Piecing, Coluzzle, Stickles
It's a 3rd grader

The challenge is here.
Stamp: Technique Tuesday's In a Word: Children
Papers: scraps of bazzil
Other: brads, staz on, corner punch