So, off I went to my
LSS in
Stevensville, Montana to partake of all night scrapping bliss. I have to say, I am MIGHTY proud of myself. I completed *SO* much, and *gasp* most of it was for ME!!! That's a record people, normally I am working on things for other people. Though, 2 things
a gift- one will not be pictured till later because that person reads this blog.

I have to admit, the entire thing was WONDERFUL. I had 2 friends come with me- and then I knew 4 others there-- that's always fun. I arrived early, VERY early, and nabbed seats, and started shopping right away.
(I ordered
QK's ahead of time, and they all, but one, came in!!!
YAY! WHo knew they had a paisley one?! I'm so ever excited about THAT one.)
Country Scrappin' is a great place, and Donna was a wonderful hostess. The food-- now, being Mexican and all, I'm very picky about Mexican food. But- wow
was it yummy, I need to get one recipe, and when I do, I shall share!

So, anyhow- back to me. These two layouts were super fun. The 4
th of July one was a contest submission for
the night- and I won!!! It's really
The challenge was to use everything in the bag- and you could do anything else to it. Once I knew it was okay to not have pictures on it (I didn't bring any) I was good! It started with 2 pieces of
card stock (the background,) the tags, squares, butterfly and the plaid frame box. I added everything else. I have to say, I love the way the "4
th" came out. The points were mixed. Barn red, and bronze
glaze, with a touch of
ivory on the top layer, then ivory for the shadow. It's my fave feature on it.

Watch for a tutorial on the brown card looking thing. It's coming!