
Man's Best Friend

An album made up for a customer for Christmas. Turned out adorable!!!


Friends AB

Another altered addy book


Our gift giving

Joe did the letters, and I deco'd them. Yes, there is an "E" that is upside down. It was notched wrong, and someone, who shall remain nameless (for your protection Joe), wouldn't fix it for me... and I didn't have time before I needed to finish and mail to get another set done (or renothced) myself. I waited too long. Shame on me....

Cherish Friends AB

Address book for a customer's gift. She's ordered a lot, but they are all pretty nifty!


All bundled up

I was invited to a CTMH thingie, and I although I don't use CTMH, I went. Must be supportive of friends!
However, this card was quite cute! And I did something I've never done before! Inked over the embossing- which gave it a fun & dirty look. I like dirty. ;)



Calendar 2008

This is to be a class at my LSS that I'll be offering after Thanksgiving. I've not "dated" it but only because I'm not sure that I want it to be a traditional calender.

I'm thinking more along a "Year till we're married" or a "Pregnancy countdown" type calendar. Typical ones are so boring anymore! Anyhow, it did come out cute, so here's a looksie!

PP: Girl Bug

PP: Boy Bug


My weight loss album

This is for me, to document my weight loss over the next year. I plan on hitting my goal weight during this time. There is a double page & pocket for each month. My journey starts officially (by way of the book) on Thursday, November 1st.



This is a Christmas present for my son's new baby sister. This Christmas will be her first. He wanted something special. I'm sure her mom will love it!



Just one of the letter to the word "Home" that was done for the LSS I work at. It's in GORGEOUS fall colors, and was offered as a class at the beginning of the month.


Tutorial: Waterfall Album

To make this super cute paper bag album you will need the following items:

* 2 paper bags (size not an issue)
* crop-a-dile, or hole punch
* adhesive
* eyelets/brads for binding (you can use ribbons/fibers also)
* pretties
First, you need to fold the paper bags to create a "waterfall" effect. To do this, simply off set your folds, leaving approximately 1-2" gap between the bottom and the opening (pocket).

I like to keep the pockets (opening of the bags) on the longer ends (back) so that way I can place longer tags, or more pictures inside. However, it doesn't matter at all.

Once you have the bags lined up to where you like the spacing, take your crop-a-dile (or hold punch) and punch holes to bind the pages together.

This is where you decide if you want to bind with eyelets, brads, fibers or ribbon. It just depends on the look that you want the book to have.

Obviously, fiber & ribbon will be more frilly than the eyelets and brads. However, Eyelets and brads will be stronger in the long run. To cover the "ugly" backs of these, you will just cover them with the paper you selected. It then becomes a non-issue as to the prongs showing.

Once your book is bound, you will cover your pages. I prefer Tacky Glue or tape to stick the initial papers down. It is the best glue, that I've found, to stick to the paper bags.

Once each page is covered, decorate to your liking! Don't forget to cut & decorate tags for the pockets.

This is a perfect mini album to give for a gift. I've made them for showers, birthdays, and just because.


Sophisticated Girl

Our Story
