My nephew Trent is scheduled to have his "big" surgery in the morning, 7am. This one will last 4-6 hours if all goes well. They will be placing 2 rods and 12 screws in his back- a reconstruction for his scoliosis, which is causing breathing issues as his spine is currently crushing his lungs.
Please keep him, he's 6, my sister & hubby (Jenny & Richard) and the doctors in your thoughts and prayers. There is a 50% chance he will be paralyzed with this surgery- and we are all scared about the outcome. The attached picture is Trent the day he got released from his last surgery 2 weeks ago.
Here is the address' where cards can be sent if you would like. The hospital won't be very long (if all goes perfectly, which is what we hope for) but my mom will be bringing the other 2 boys over on the weekend so she will be taking any cars/packages with her.
Hospital address (5-10 days)
Trent Davidson
3030 Children's Way
San Diego, CA 92123
Home Address
Trent Davidson
7138 B Sagebrush Terrance
29 Palms, CA 92277
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!!